Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014

Road trip Vancouver - Banff - Vancouver

Sorry for not writing my blog this Sunday, but I was with three guys from class (Yannick, Claudio and Martin) on a road trip to Banff and back. We had a long weekend, Monday was a holiday and we took off school on Friday morning, so we decided to make a road trip to Banff to enjoy the whole country side, like Martin would say. =)

Day 1 – Vancouver to Refelstoke 649km
On day one we set off quite early to the Vancouver Airport to pick up our rental car. After a felt hour of waiting we finally got our car, a perfect sized Hyundai, and hit the road in direction Revelstoke. On the way we’ve seen the typical landscape of Canada, trees all over the place. But we’ve also crossed a kind of a desert with only small plants and nearly no green stuff.
After about seven hours of drive we finally reached Revelstoke. Revelstoke is a small village with around 7000 inhabitants which lives from the tourism and the railway. 

 our car

 Trees and road


 a lake =)


Day 2 – Refelstoke to Banff 283km
The second day started with rain, quelle surprise… (Attention that’s French) ;) But we’re now since two month here and we don’t care anymore about a little rain. The rout to day was not that far and we had time to stop in Lake Louise, a lake called Louise near Banff. Unfortunately the lake was frozen and couldn’t see the blue clear water. The next stop was at Johnston Canyon, a Canyon about 8000 years old. It was fascinating seeing the water running through the canyon and hearing the force this water has.
We reached Banff in the late afternoon and had to search our hostel. It was a small and old hostel, just made for young party people like us =). In the evening we went out to make party. It was incredibly funny.

 Lake Louise

 The crew

 Johnston Canyon

Johnston Canyon - small waterfall


Day 3 – Banff to Kelowna 483km
This day we set off a little later than the two days before. The ride took us again nearly seven hours and we reached Kelowna at about 6 o’clock in the evening. On the way there we could see some pretty nice small farmer villages, lakes and for sure a great many trees.
Kelowna itself is a city at a lake with about 50’000 inhabitants and is known as a party city for the youth of Vancouver. Unhappily we were all quite tired and we went only for a short time out.

Three valley gap

 Kelowna - from our balcony

Day 4 – Kelowna to Vancouver 399km
Only a “short” ride to deal with, we nearly overslept this morning. Before moving off we made a short walk through downtown Kelowna to see how it looks like by daylight. On the way to Vancouver we made several short stops to pee or to eat something. At about 5:00 P.M we reached Vancouver airport a gain and returned our car at the rental station. Our 1’800km road trip was finished =(


Kelowna lake side

 Kelowna lake side
Canadian car tuning

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