Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Artgallery Vancouver

At saturday I went with a buddy from school to the famous artgallery of Vancouver located in downtown. We sadly had to recognize that we're absolutely not into art. The first floor was just strange. =) But we learned that art can be amusing and that art has always two sides (Picture). The second floor was about photography and quite interessting. We started to discuss about the pictures like real pros and earned sometimes a strange view from other visitors. All in all it was a strange but also funny experience to go there and we can at least say we did something for our knowledge of art.

Even a surround system can be art

What a master masterpiece!

Side 1: Looks to me like a orifice for fecal

Side 2: Aaaaaahhh it's a head

Grimace art

Bullet shot thru an apple

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